Facilitated Conversations
These sessions are an opportunity to share group knowledge, ask important, even taboo questions, and support colleagues on a journey of learning and understanding. As the facilitator, I craft an open and brave space to unpack and learn difficult, complex, and controversial topics, specifically around race, gender, and their intersections. In each session, I encourage expression and group learning through guided conversation on a meaningful theme to your employees, team, employee resource group (ERG), or leadership.
Create a moment to explore a specific race and gender-based topic, problem, or recent event.
There is so much noise around race, gender, and even diversity, equity, and inclusion these days, but little space to explore new terms, unpack the sensitivity and discomfort around these issues, and learn how to interact with difference. There are few opportunities for inquiry, reflection, and meaningful consideration of topics around race and gender or to combat misinformation and often hostile points of view. This lack of common understanding around race and gender seeps into workplace culture, causing discord, friction, and conflict.
Organizations, groups, and teams need a way to embrace difference and process change within the workplace as well as societal events and occurrences in the news and popular culture that affect the way employees show up and relate to each other. Facilitated conversations give employees a voice to share a variety of viewpoints and experiences, and draw on collective knowledge, creating a space for processing and furthering understanding. These sessions demonstrate care and commitment to positive and supportive workplace culture.